Woman lifted through roof of malfunctioning 25th-floor elevator in Uptown Dallas

Dallas’s downtownA woman who was stuck in an elevator in Uptown Dallas was freed Wednesday morning after being taken out through the elevator’s ceiling and put in a nearby operational elevator.

We know:

Just after 9 a.m. on Wednesday, St. Ann Court, situated at 2501 N. Harwood St., was the scene of a call to Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) teams.

The woman was trapped in a building elevator on the twenty-fifth floor. After failing to extricate her, Dallas Fire-Rescue called USAR for help.

The woman was saved by USAR technicians who entered the elevator from the top and transferred her to a functioning elevator adjacent to the one in which she was trapped. She was then taken to the upper floor, where she could safely step out into the ground.

Between thirty and forty-five minutes were needed for the entire rescue effort. There were no reported injuries.

What is unknown to us:

How long the woman was trapped in the elevator until assistance could come is unknown.

The Source: Dallas Fire-Rescue provided the information for this article.

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