Surveillance video captures heartbreaking moment driver abandons injured dog in DeSoto alleyway

Please call DeSoto police at (469) 658-3050 if you know who committed this heinous act.

    • Surveillance footage shows a female English bulldog being abandoned in a DeSoto alley early Wednesday morning.

    • Animal control officers found the dog in poor condition and transported her to a shelter for medical care.

    • Authorities are asking for help identifying the driver of a silver Chrysler 300 with black rims and a dented passenger door.

  • Surveillance footage shows a female English bulldog being abandoned in a DeSoto alley early Wednesday morning.

  • Animal control officers found the dog in poor condition and transported her to a shelter for medical care.

  • Authorities are asking for help identifying the driver of a silver Chrysler 300 with black rims and a dented passenger door.

DESOTO, Texas:Police in DeSoto seek assistance in identifying the owner of an injured, malnourished dog that was left in an alleyway.

We know:

Police in DeSoto are requesting the public’s assistance in identifying a person who left a sick and defenseless puppy in an alleyway early on Wednesday.

A female English bulldog was discovered abandoned in a small alleyway close to Williams Avenue and Gilbert Avenue, according to a DeSoto neighbor. The dog was left behind at approximately 6:44 a.m., according to security footage.

Police received security footage from the resident that showed the upsetting moment the puppy was abandoned.

Neglected and Abandoned

After responding to the scene, animal control officers transported the dog to the nearby animal clinic for medical attention.

According to veterinarians, the animal arrived “severely emaciated and covered in both urine and feces.”

The dog’s right eye developed an ulcerated abscess that needed to be surgically removed, according to the doctors.

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She also developed a serious illness, according to blood testing, which is currently being treated with antibiotics and painkillers.

Next steps:

When the dog is healthy enough, she will be taken to a respectable animal shelter where she will receive rehabilitation before being adopted, a DeSoto police official told FOX 4.

However, the name of the rescue group is being kept secret for the time being.

What you are able to do:

Police are looking for assistance in locating the driver of the silver Chrysler 300 who was seen on camera leaving the dog on Wednesday morning.

The car’s black rims and a noticeable ding on the passenger-side door are what police notice.

DeSoto police are asking anyone with information about this incident to call them at 469-658-3050.

“No animal deserves to be treated this way,” a news release from the police group stated. “And we want to ensure that this individual is held accountable.”

What they’re saying:

The motorist may face accusations of animal abuse up to the third degree, according to the police.

“No animal deserves to be treated this way,” a news release from the police group stated. “And we want to ensure that this individual is held accountable.”

The Source: DeSoto police provided the information for this article.

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