North Texas family says unknown person in satanic mask with religious sign rang doorbell

Homeowners in Carrollton claim that on Saturday, their doorbell camera captured a man wearing a Satanic mask brandishing a banner with a biblical passage about the end of the world.

    • A Carrollton family spotted a person in a Satanic mask on its doorbell camera on Saturday.

    • The person was holding a sign saying Revelation 20:1-15.

    • Carrollton police say no crime was committed, but they are monitoring the situation.

  • A Carrollton family spotted a person in a Satanic mask on its doorbell camera on Saturday.

  • The person was holding a sign saying Revelation 20:1-15.

  • Carrollton police say no crime was committed, but they are monitoring the situation.

Texas’s CarrolltonA man with a demonic mask approached the Carrolllton family’s front door and rang the doorbell, shaking them. The stranger was carrying a sign that read Revelation 20:1–15.

The interaction was recorded by their Ring doorbell.

This incident took place in Carrollton’s Indian Creek neighborhood.

The mask-wearer then moved behind the house and posed in front of a camera in the driveway.

Carrollton Police claim that although they got one report, there was no criminal activity.

Police say they will keep an eye on things.

What they’re saying:

In a statement, Carrollton police said:

There has just been one report as of yet. There has been no criminal activity, and the person in question has not acted in any way that is against the law. Having said that, we actively monitor the situation to protect public safety and take seriously any reports from our community. We urge locals to be on the lookout and notify the authorities of any unusual activities. Our community’s safety and wellbeing are our top priorities, and we’ll keep an eye out to make sure Carrollton is a safe place for everyone.

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What does the scripture say?

Revelation 20:1–15 was the Bible scripture that was displayed on the sign. According to’s New King James Version, those verses say the following.

Satan Bound 1,000 Years

20Then I saw an angel descend from heaven holding a huge chain and the key to the bottomless pit.2He captured the dragon, the ancient serpent that represents Satan and the Devil, and he chained him for a thousand years.3 He then flung him into the bottomless pit, sealed him, and prevented him from deceiving any more nations until the thousand years were up. However, he needs to be freed for a short time following these things.

The Saints Reign with Christ 1,000 Years

4And I saw thrones, and they were seated on them, and they were given judgment. The souls of those who had been beheaded for bearing witness to Jesus and the word of God, who had not worshipped the beast or his image, and who had not had his mark on their hands or foreheads, were then revealed to me. For [a]thousand years, they coexisted and ruled alongside Christ.5However, until the thousand years were over, the remaining deceased did not resurrect. This is the initial resurrection.6.Those who participated in the first resurrection are blessed and holy. The second death has no authority over them, but they will serve as God’s and Christ’s priests and rule alongside Him for a millennium.

Satanic Rebellion Crushed

7Now, when the thousand years have passed, Satan will be freed from his prison8 and set out to trick the countries across the globe, Gog and Magog, in order to assemble them for combat, whose number is as great as the sea’s sand.9They spread out across the globe and encircled the beloved city and the camp of the saints. And God sent fire down from heaven, devouring them.10The false prophet and the beast are in the lake of fire and brimstone, where the devil who tricked them was thrown.And they shall suffer day and night for all eternity.

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The Great White Throne Judgment

11Then I saw Him sitting on a huge white throne, from whose face the heavens and the earth fled. And they couldn’t find a location.12And I witnessed books being opened and the dead, both big and small, standing before [c]God. The Book of Life, another book, was then opened. Additionally, the deceased were evaluated based on their deeds and the contents of the books.13Death and Hades delivered up the dead that were in them, and the sea gave up the dead that were in it. They were all judged based on their respective efforts.14After that, Hades and Death were thrown into the lake of fire. The second [d]death is this.15And the lake of fire was the destination for anybody who was not listed in the Book of Life.

The Carrollton Police, Carrollton neighborhood social media accounts, and are the sources of the information in this article.

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