Idaho’s Last 9 p.m. Sunset of the Year: What to Expect as Daylight Saving Time Ends?

Idaho’s Last 9 p.m. Sunset of the Year: What to Expect as Daylight Saving Time Ends?

This morning, as we stepped out of the shower and into the bedroom, we were met with a surprising sight on the forecast. It wasn’t another week of scorching temperatures; it was a graphic that said, “Farewell 9 p.m. Sunsets!” Although it was hard to accept, the graphic was not fake news. According to Time and Date, Boise’s latest sunsets of the year were back in June, right after the Summer Solstice, when the sun was setting around 9:30 p.m.

August 6 marks the last 9 p.m. sunset of the year. After this date, the days start to get shorter by about two-and-a-half to three minutes each day as we approach the end of Daylight Saving Time. This means it’s time for that twice-a-year tradition of adjusting our clocks by one hour.

Will Idaho Ever Give Up Daylight Saving Time?

Currently, only two states can opt out of the Daylight Saving Time tradition. Reader’s Digest notes that Hawaii abandoned it in 1967 because their sunrise and sunset times remain nearly the same throughout the year. Arizona also opted out a year later due to the harsh climate, making it practical to skip the clock changes.

Idaho lawmakers have tried to end the clock-switching in recent years. They first proposed it in 2019, but the effort failed. The following year, the Idaho legislature approved a plan to make Daylight Saving Time permanent in the part of the state that’s in the Pacific Time Zone. However, this change was contingent on Washington State making the same switch.

Washington, on the other hand, sought to do the opposite. They wanted to switch to permanent standard time and encouraged North Idaho and Oregon to join them. However, this proposal also failed because changing to permanent daylight saving time would require federal action.

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So, for now, all Idahoans, regardless of their time zone, will need to switch their clocks once again this fall.

When Will Daylight Saving Time End in Idaho?

Idahoans should get ready to set their clocks back one hour starting on Sunday, November 3, at 2 a.m. It’s a bit of a letdown to think about because, as of the day we’re writing this article, Boise’s sunset is at 9:00 p.m. After the time change, the sunset will be at 5:32 p.m., and the days will continue to get shorter until the Winter Solstice in December.

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