Idaho legislators want to limit flag display within government entities, public schools

This legislative session, at least two Idaho lawmakers are committed to restricting flag displays.

Rep. Heather Scott, a Republican from Blanchard, filed legislation Thursday in the Idaho House State Affairs Committee to restrict the kind of flags that can be used on government property. According to the measure, this covers counties, municipalities, special districts, and any other governmental instrumentality or political subdivision.

The bill states that a government agency in Idaho is only permitted to fly the following flags on its property:

  • The U.S. flag

  • The official flag of a governmental entity

  • Official flags of any state in the U.S.

  • Official flags of any military branches and units of the U.S.

  • The POW/MIA flag

  • Official flags of Native American tribes

Scott’s bill was approved by the committee, paving the route for a later full committee hearing.

At least three bills this legislative session have attempted to restrict flags in Idaho, including Scott’s flag bill. According to Idaho EdNews, a similar bill was presented last week by Rep. Ted Hill, R-Eagle, and would have prohibited flags associated with political parties, races, sexual orientations, genders, or ideologies in public schools. House Bill 10 was scheduled to be put to a vote on the House floor.

Hill did, however, file a new measure in the House Education Committee on Thursday morning that replicated and replaced House measure 10 and included a clause stating that foreign flags are permitted in classrooms unless the United States is acting hostilely toward the nation. According to Idaho EdNews, the committee decided to send the bill to the House floor without a hearing.

See also  Idaho bill would let public assistance fraud investigators access tax records


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