Harwood meat week: Braised ox cheek recipe

Hanna Battah and Steve Noviello discuss the inventive way aquarium staff members helped a lone fish on the Monday, January 27 broadcast of The Ten. In addition, Chef Taylor Kearney prepares braised ox cheeks to commemorate Harwood Meat Week, and Doug Shupe examines the number of Americans anticipated to depart Galveston this year.


  • 8 oz Braised Ox Cheeks 2 ea

  • 1.5 fl oz Cilantro Oil

  • 2 ea Carrot Skewers

  • 1 fl oz Ancho Glaze

  • 3 Charred Spring Onion halves

  • 1 tsp Ancho Powder

  • 1 tsp Red Wine Vinegar Reduction

  • 2 fl oz Bordelaise Noir

  • Intensity Mix

  • Micro Flowers


1. Grill cheeks until they are heated all over. 2. Grill onions until they are nicely charred. 3. Grill carrot skewers until they are nicely charred. 4. Apply ancho glaze to the carrots.5. Spoon the cilantro oil into the plate’s upper center.6. Splash7. Ancho powder on a dust plateShingle the braised cheeks over the cilantro oil. Pour the bordelaise over the cheeks slowly. Lean the carrot skewers off the cheeks toward 6 p.m. V shape. Arrange the onions around the carrots, cut side out. Pour the red wine reduction over the onions.13. Add Microflowers and Intensity Mix as garnish.

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