Dallas needs volunteers to serve meals at cold weather shelter

    • With temperatures in the 20s, about 900 people are staying at warming shelters at Fair Park.

    • The nonprofit organization running the operation needs more volunteers to help greet people and serve meals.

    • Volunteers should go to ourcalling.org/cold to sign up.

  • With temperatures in the 20s, about 900 people are staying at warming shelters at Fair Park.

  • The nonprofit organization running the operation needs more volunteers to help greet people and serve meals.

  • Volunteers should go to ourcalling.org/cold to sign up.

DallasVolunteers are needed to assist with lunch service and greet guests at Fair Park’s cold weather shelters.

The backstory

Dallas has seen below-freezing overnight temperatures since Saturday, prompting the activation of two emergency shelters at Fair Park for the second consecutive week.

“Compared to last week, it’s a little bit colder. It’s the twenties. Not only are we full, but other shelters are also filling up. Finding space for individuals to enter is therefore somewhat difficult,” Our Calling CEO Pastor Wayne Walker stated.

What you are able to do:

About 900 people are currently residing in the two shelters at Fair Park, according to Pastor Walker.

Additionally, the organization needs more volunteers even though operations remain the same as they were last week.

“It requires an army of individuals to serve roughly 3,000 meals every day. At Our Calling, we typically have thousands of volunteers annually. However, in the past two weeks, we have had about 500 volunteers come serve up here. However, there are still many available spaces,” he stated.

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Walker stated that the primary requirement for volunteers is to assist with dinner service. However, greeters are also required.


Dallas to open Fair Park shelter ahead of freezing temps

On Sunday, the City of Dallas will open a facility in Fair Park for those who want to escape the weather.

“They are able to serve food, welcome guests, provide them a blanket, and shake hands. At Fair Park, we need the support of the rest of the community,” he stated. It’s quite easy to visit ourcalling.org/cold.Then you can see how you may donate, volunteer, and purchase items from our Amazon list. The community can take part in showing good neighborly love in these ways.

By Friday evening, the shelters should remain open until the temperature rises above freezing.

The Origin:Wayne Walker, the CEO of Our Calling, provided the information used in this article.

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