Dallas Weather: Power outage updates

    • Some North Texans are without power as a winter storm moves through the area.

    • Snow and a wintry mix are falling across the region.

    • Any outages we have seen are not due to issues with the Texas power grid.

  • Some North Texans are without power as a winter storm moves through the area.

  • Snow and a wintry mix are falling across the region.

  • Any outages we have seen are not due to issues with the Texas power grid.

DallasAs a winter storm passes across North Texas, power disruptions are not a big issue.

Texas Power Outages

Based on the figures:

According to Oncor, 2,517 customers were impacted by power disruptions as of 9 p.m.

  • Dallas County: 861

  • Tarrant County: 57

  • Collin County: 117

What they’re saying:

Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas, stated that the power grid would not be the source of any power outages. Your local power provider will be in charge of it since it will have an effect on a nearby power line. You should contact your local power supplier if you lose electricity.

According to ERCOT officials, they anticipate having a more than sufficient supply of electricity to run the state during this winter event. Since last winter, there have been over 10,000 megawatts of new generation this year. The grid has more supply than it has ever had.

The electricity grid’s current state can be found here.

How do I report a power outage?

Oncor’s online reporting feature allows you to report a power outage or see the status of a power outage that has already been recorded. Additionally, you can reach them at 888-313-4747. Text OUT to 66267 (ONCOR) if you have subscribed to My Oncor Alerts.

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Send the text REG to 66267 to sign up for My Oncor Alerts. Text STOP to 66267 to cease receiving My Oncor Text Alerts.

Report a Power Outage

Verify the Outage Status

Does Oncor automatically know when my power is out?

Oncor claims that if their system picks it up, they do. Call 888-313-4747, however, to ensure that your outage is reported.

How to report a downed power line

A downed power line or any object in contact with a power line should never be approached, touched, or moved. Power line contact can result in fatalities or major injuries.

If a power line appears to be downed:

  • Leave the area immediately and call


    . The


    operator will contact Oncor directly and manage the situation until our personnel arrive.

  • You can also report downed power lines at




Gov. Abbott updates ongoing response to severe winter weather in Texas

Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas, received an update on the newest severe winter weather conditions that would impact a significant portion of the state on Wednesday morning. In Austin, he hosted a press conference.

Look more closely:

Texans can monitor road conditions at DriveTexas.org, locate warming stations opened and run by local governments attdem.texas.gov/warm, and learn winter weather safety information atTexasReady.gov.

The Texas Governor’s Office and Oncor provided the information for this story.

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